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9 billion year old radio signal detected

Astronomers in India have for the first time detected a radio signal coming from a 
distant galaxy in space. Its length is 21 cm.

According to a report published in Science Alert, hydrogen is one of the main building blocks of the universe. So its presence in a place can give a lot of information about the characteristics of that place. Astronomers are eager to detect signals coming from this material in hopes of gaining more information.

India's Giant Metrowave Radio Telescope (GMRT) has detected a wave of light produced by the scattering of molecular hydrogen.

Scientists believe that this wave signal was emitted from its source at least 8.8 billion years ago, giving us information about events in the early universe, about 14 billion years old.

In this regard, Arnab Chakraborty, professor and space researcher at McGill University in Canada, said, 'Each galaxy emits different types of radio signals. But perhaps this signal is emitted from one of the galaxies near our galaxy.